We are happy to announce the tentative schedule for all Tsuruoka Karate Do events for 2025.

We are happy to announce the tentative schedule for all Tsuruoka Karate Do events for 2025.
A belated shout out to Christopher Mea and Jason Mea for organizing and hosting our Fall clinic!
A look back at the group photo from our Fall clinic. Our fall 2024 Tsuruoka Karate-Do clinic was a success! Thanks go to all the Senseis who shared their knowledge of Karate and Tsuruoka O’Sensei’s teachings. We are all doing our best to promote karate in the spirit of our founder.
Saturday’s clinic saw juniors and seniors working and learning together at the local elementary school.
Our AGM was held at 4pm, with some members online as well.
A good number of us gathered at the local chinese restaurant to end the day to celebrate the hard work of the weekend.
Sunday’s morning’s clinic was also held at the same school, for senior students only. Although no one was being tested for a black belt grading on this weekend, all the resources were at the ready.
The Technical Symposium was a unique Tsuruoka event where blackbelts from across the country gathered to discuss technique and expectations for the the various belt levels. As a result, we were able to continue building and refining resources that can be referenced by instructors across our association.
Hats off to everyone that contributed to this highly productive, collaborative, and educational event!
A big thank you to everyone that made it out to the Cap-Pele Summer camp a huge success. As always, the community sharing of karate is an excellent way to celebrate summer.
Date: June 28 th , 29 th and 30 th
Where: Same site as previous years (Camp Scout et Guide de Cap-Pelé)
2311 Acadie Rd., Cap-Pele, NB, E4N 1B2
Cost: $40.00 each (Adult or Child)
Maximum cost per family of 3 or more is $100.00
These are set prices for one or three days.
We recommend that you camp on site if possible.
Tents only (preferably)
Toilets on site but no showers
You can arrive anytime in the afternoon, early enough so that you have time to set up and
Schedule for the three days:
Friday night: class from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Saturday morning: classes from 7:00am-8:30am and 10:00am-11:30am
Saturday afternoon: class from 2:00pm-3:30pm
Sunday morning: classes from 7:00am-8:30am and 10:00am-11:30am
Date: 28, 29, et 30 juin
Endroit: le même site que l’année dernière (Camp Scout et Guide de Cap-Pelé)
2311 chemin Acadie, Cap-Pelé, NB, E4N 1B2
Cout: $40.00 chacun (Adulte ou enfant)
Frais maximum par famille de 3 personnes ou plus est de $100.00
Prix fixe pour un jour ou trois jours
On vous recommande de camper sur place si possible.
Tente seulement (préférablement)
Toilettes sur place, mais pas de douche
Vous pouvez arriver n’importe quand, en après-midi, préférablement assez tôt afin de vous
donner assez de temps pour vous installer et vous inscrire.
Horaire pour les trois jours:
Vendredi soir: classe de 19:00-20:30 (7:00pm-8:30pm)
Samedi matin: classes de 7:00-8:30 et 10:00-11:30
Samedi après-midi: classe de 14:00-15:30 (2:00pm-3:30pm)
Dimanche matin: classes de 7:00-8:30 et 10:00-11:30
The clinic will be held at CCNB, located at 75 Youghall Drive, Bathurst, NB. https://maps.app.goo.gl/NfWRxdXyrR96Gva96
On Friday, April 26, for those already in the area, there will be an informal training session at the Bathurst dojo in room 180A. The training session will likely run from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday, April 27, will see the clinic commence at 9 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m. with approximately a 1-hour break for lunch. At the end of Saturday’s clinic, we will once again attempt the performance of Otousan.
On Sunday, April 28, the clinic will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude at 2 p.m. with a 30 to 45-minute break between the clinic and the belt tests, depending on the number of participants in the promotion.
La Clinique aura lieu au CCNB 75 promenade Youghall Bathurst N.-B. https://maps.app.goo.gl/NfWRxdXyrR96Gva96
Vendredi 26 avril, pour ceux qui seront déjà dans la région, il y aura un entrainement non formel à mon dojo dans le local 180A. Je vais probablement tenir l’entrainement ouvert de 18h à 20h sans aucune heure d’arrivée formelle.
Samedi 27 avril, la clinique débute à 9h jusqu’à 16h avec environs 1heure de pause pour diner. À la fin de la clinique de samedi, nous tenterons encore la représentation de Otousan .
Dimanche 28 avril, la clinique débutera à 10h jusqu’à 14h avec 30 à 45 min de pause entre la clinique et les tests de ceinture dépendamment du nombre de participants à la promotion.
Bonjour membres TK-D.
Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à la clinique/promotion de printemps à Bathurst N.-B. le 5-6 et 7 de mai.
Mise à jour: La Clinique aura lieu au gymnasse derièrre de CCNB at 644 University Dr, Bathurst, NB E2A 2W6. https://goo.gl/maps/nn1kKDHaJgMoKfZT6
Vendredi 5 mai, pour ceux qui seront déjà dans la région, il y aura un entrainement non formel à mon dojo dans le local 180A. Je vais placer des indications pour trouver votre chemin, mais il y a un gardien de sécurité à l’entrée principale. Je vais probablement tenir l’entrainement ouvert de 18h à 20h sans aucune heure d’arrivée formelle.
Samedi 6 mai, la clinique débute à 9h jusqu’à 16h avec environs 1heure de pause pour diner. Un diner sandwich sera disponible sur place dans le salon des enseignants.
À la fin de la clinique de samedi, nous aurons peut-être la représentation de Otousan à la salle de projection du CCNB.
Dimanche 7 mai, la clinique débutera à 10h jusqu’à 14h avec 30 à 45 min de pause entre la clinique et les tests de ceinture dépendamment du nombre de participants à la promotion.
Il y a des motels de disponibles sous le groupe Tsuruoka Karate Do à deux endroits :
Atlantic Host(6min), près de la sortie de l’autoroute et du Tim Hortons, offre une chambre occupation double avec lit double à 159$ + tx. 506-548-3335 (prix de groupe jusqu’au 7 Avril)
Danny’s Inn (3min) offre un choix de 9 chambres avec 2 lits doubles et 6 chambres simples avec 1 lit king pour 134$ + tx incluant un petit déjeuner chaud. (prix de groupe jusqu’au 5 avril) 506-546-6621
Prendre note que samedi soir, nous aurons une petite activité de rassemblement qui aura lieu au Danny’s Inn où on aura accès à une suite comprenant 1 table de pool, 1 table de poker, un petit salon et une petite cuisinette. ***Voir après le message anglais pour les détails sur les deux endroits ou visiter les sites web associés.***
Hello all TK-D members.
We are excited to invite you to the spring grading/clinic in Bathurst N.B. on May 5th, 6th and 7th.
Update: Location is at the gym behind CCNB at 644 University Dr, Bathurst, NB E2A 2W6. https://goo.gl/maps/nn1kKDHaJgMoKfZT6
Friday night may 5th, for those who will already be in Bathurst, there will be an informal training in my dojo, local 180A. I’ll put indications to find it but also a security guard will be present at the main entry. I’ll probably run the open training from 6pm to 8 pm with no formal arriving time.
Saturday may 6th, clinic starts at 9am until 4pm with about an hour break from 12-1pm. A sandwich/Lunch will be available at the clinic in the teachers lobby.
Following Saturday’s training, we may be presenting Otousan viewing at the CCNB projection room.
Sundy may 7th, clinic starts at 10h until 2pm with a 30-45 min break between training and grading depending on grading participants.
Motels are available under the Tsuruoka Karate Do name for group price at two locations.
Atlantic Host(6min), near highway exit and Tim Hortons, offers a room at 159$+tx double occupation. 506-548-3335 (group booking until April 7th)
Danny’s Inn(3min) offers a choice of 9 rooms 2 double beds or 6 rooms 1 king bed for 134$ +tx, including a warm breakfast. (group booking until April 5th ) 506-546-6621
Note that Saturday night gathering will be at Danny’s Inn where a suite c/w pool and poker table, small living room and kitchenette will be at our disposition.
We are offering a Karate camp, again this year, in Cap-Pele, NB
Date: June 30th, July 1 & 2
Where: Same site as last year (Camp Scout et Guide de Cap-Pele)
2311 Acadie Rd., Cap-Pele, NB, E4N 1B2
Cost: $40.00 each (Adult or Child)
Maximum cost per family of 3 or more is $100.00
These are set prices for one or three days
We recommend that you camp on site if possible.
Tents only (preferably)
Toilets on site but no showers
You can arrive anytime in the afternoon, early enough so that you have time to set up and register.
Schedule for the three days:
Friday night: class from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Saturday morning: classes from 7:00am-8:30am and 10:00am-11:30am
Saturday afternoon: class from 2:00pm-3:30pm
Sunday morning: classes from 7:00am-8:30am and 10:00am-11:30am
Sunday for dinner we will serve free hot dogs, hamburgers and soft drinks or your own food if you prefer.
NO other meals will be served during the weekend so you will have to bring your own or you can go to our local restaurants which are close to the camp.
Please remember to bring all your camping necessities, such as:
Gi, extra gi
Sleeping bag, air mattress/pad/cot
Camp chair
Clothes for all weather
Shoes, running shoes, and/or sandals
Bathing suit
Dinner plates (paper plates are great)
Water bottle
Sunscreen and insect repellent
For more information, please contact Arthur Bourgeois at:
(506) 577-2871 (H); or
(506) 531-7010 (Cell)
Tsuruoka Karate-Do is pleased to announce the dates and locations for our Spring clinic and grading and the Tsuruoka Nationals plus our Fall clinic and grading.
The Spring Clinic and Grading will be held in Bathurst NB May 6-7 at Youghall Gym, 75, promenade Youghall, Bathurst (Nouveau-Brunswick)
The Tsuruoka National Tournament, in conjunction with the Fall clinic and grading will be held in Charlottetown PE Sept 30-Oct 01.
More details on these events and more will follow. For now, save the dates!
Karate Acadie is hosting a karate summer camp July 8-10, and all TK-D members are invited to attend! See details below.
Karate Camp
Hi Karate-kas
Ouss Senseis
We are offering a Karate camp in Cap-Pelé, date — July – 8,9,10 2022
the site is -(Camp Scout et Guide de Cap-Pelé).
2311 Acadie Rd, Cap-Pelé, NB E4N 1B2
Tents only (no campers or tent campers) Toilets and showers are on site arrival 4:00pm or later.
Friday night
–class fr 7 :00pm to 8:30pm
-Saturday morn…
– class fr – 7:00am to 8:30am
— class fr 10:am to 11:30am
-Saturday afternoon
–class fr 2:00pm to 3:30pm
-Sunday morning
–class fr 7:00am to 8 :30am
–class fr 10:00am to 11 :30am
Sunday for dinner –hot dog , beverages(no charge) or your own meal …….
No other meal will be served all week-end, so you must bring your own food (kitchen available )or you can go to the restaurant which are very close by , not far from the camp……….
’cost —$ 30.00 adult or child each….
— maximum cost per family is $100.00—price is $30.00 one or three days
You are recommended to camp on site if possible for more information, please , communicate with me ………..506-577-2871 h..… ………506-531-7010
Thanks Ouss
Arthur Bourgeois
Karaté Acadie
Camp de Karaté
Bonjours Karate-kas
Ouss Senseis
Cette année encore , nous vous offrons un camp de Karaté a Cap-Pelé, date—le 8,9,10, juillet 2022
Le site est le meme que les années passé-(Camp Scout et Guide de Cap-Pelé).
2311 Acadie Rd, Cap-Pelé, NB E4N 1B2
Tente seulement(pas de roulotte ou tente roulotte)Toilette et douche sur place
arriver a 4:00pm ou plus tard
-vendredi soir –classe de 7 :00pm a 8:30pm
-samedi matin –classe de 7:00am a 8:30am
–classe de 10:am a 11:30am
-samedi après-midi –classe de 2:00pm a 3:30pm
-dimanche matin –classe de 7:00am a 8 :30a
–classe de 10:00am a 11 :30am
Pour diner le dimanche –hot dog , brevages (gratuit) Ou votre propre repas …….
Aucun repas ne sera servit, autre que dimanche midi, alors vous devez avoir vos propre repas ou cuisine dicponible…
Vous pouvez allez au restaurant qui sont tout pres , pas loin du camp…..
Le cout —$ 30.00 adulte et enfant chacun
—cout maximum par famille est de $100.00
—le prix est $30.00 pour un jour ou trois jours.
On vous recommande de tenter sur place si possible
Pour plus information, svp, communiquer avec moi………..506-577-2871 m..
506-531-7010 c
merci…. Arthur Bourgeois